Saturday, 3 January 2009

The copy thing is bad again but for some reason not as bad. Anyway here is SPA10!

Here is a big chapter. Every 5 chapters, there will be a new trainer card update for Sparky. So I'm gonna get started on the second one soon.
Chapter 10 - Vs Chimeco
Cerulean City, one of the many wonders of the Pokemon world. Its unlimited source of water is unknown, but that makes it an amazing place to be, maybe take a swim, maybe.....
Challenge the Gym Leader!
You may think, that in this chapter, Sparky is going to challenge the Gym Leader, but something stops him.
"Stop Thief!"
A guy who looks like a regular guy, not in any thief uniform, was running through the city and ran over the nearby bridge.
"That guy took my Starly! It's a Pokemon from Sinnoh which I took over when I moved home! And he took it!" shouted the bystander.
"I'll save it!" Sparky suddenly exclaimed and he ran over to the bridge.
"Sorry, but to pass this bridge, you must battle each one of us. If you beat us as you traverse the bridge, you can move on to the next one of us!" said a person blocking Sparky from going over the bridge.
"I'm kinda busy trying to stop a theif! You're gonna let him get away!"
"That is of no concern to us. We have rules!"
"Well how about I battle all of you at once to speed things up!"
"Very Well!"
Trainer Battle - PKMN Trainer Sparky vs All of the Bridge Trainers
The Bridge Trainers would like to battle!Bridge Trainers sent out PoliwagSparky sent out RotomRotom used ThundershockPoliwag Fainted!Bridge Trainers sent out PikachuRotom used Omnious WindPikachu Fainted!Bridge Trainers sent out VenonatRotom used ThunderboltVenonat Fainted!Bridge Trainers sent out OddishRotom used Omnious WindOddish Fainted!Bridge Trainers sent out AbraRotom used Omnious WindAbra Fainted!Bridge Trainers sent out ChimecoChimeco used PunishmentRotom Fainted!Sparky sent out KabutoChimeco used PsychicKabuto Fainted!Sparky sent out OddishOddish used Mega DrainChimeco used PsychicOddish Fainted!Sparky sent out TorchicTorchic used EmberChimeco used UproarTorchic used EmberChimeco Fainted!Sparky Wins!
"Your Pokemon were higher leveled than us except for Chimeco! You may now traverse the bridge and meet our leader who will give you your prize" said the Bridge Trainers.
"Ok, whatever" said Sparky as he ran over the bridge.
"Hello" said the leader "I'm the Bridge Leader and I will give you your prize"
"Wait a minute, you're that thief who stole the Starly" said Sparky who recognised the leader.
"Let me finish, your prize is to join my organisation! Team Rocket!" said the leader as he ripped off his regular outfit and revealed a Team Rocket uniform.
"I wouldn't join you!" Sparky shouted.
"Then we must battle!"
Trainer Battle - PKMN Trainer Sparky vs Team Rocket Grunt
Rocket Grunt would like to battle!Rocket Grunt sent out StarlySparky sent out TorchicTorchic used EmberStarly Fainted!
"That was easier than your bridge minion battle. You're hardly a leader to them! Now give back that Starly!"
"Fine" said the Rocket Grunt who promptly dropped the Starly, threw a smoke bomb on the ground and escaped.
Sparky returned the Starly to its owner, healed his Pokemon and made his way to the Gym.
Next chapter will be the Gym battle, so how will Sparky fair against the most powerful trainer that he will face so far?

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